Thursday, July 15, 2010

“Big Three” with Lebron or Just Hype?

            Is Lebron James an egomaniac or just a typical superstar athlete?  So James left Cleveland.  What did you expect?  LeBron did what almost every athlete does when considering whether to play in Cleveland, a small market city.  HE BOLTED…..  Just like Roger Clemens, Carlos Boozer, and Chris Bosh.  Would he stay in Cleveland?  NOT A CHANCE.  You didn’t see Wade and Bosh rush to play in Cleveland with Lebron.  Cleveland is a decent and fine city but NO CHAMPIONSHIP-CALIBER FREE AGENT IN HIS PRIME WILLINGLY CHOOSES TO PLAY IN CLEVELAND.  Keep in mind that the Cavalier’s never had a “right” to LeBron’s services just because he hailed from Akron and the Cav’s won the Lottery.  Cleveland fans should be grateful that they had him for seven years.  The sad reality is that the city of Cleveland and the Cavalier’s leadership (Danny Ferry and Mike Brown), are basically responsible for James’ departure.  Jordan had Pippen and LeBron needed his own Pippen.
            LeBron’s prime-time special on ESPN was a circus showing him to be narcissistic as well as displaying a lack of loyalty and class to his team and fans.  According to the Cavaliers owner, Gilbert, neither LeBron nor his agent, Leon Rose, had the decency or common courtesy to have a face to face discussion, letting them know that he was leaving.  How distasteful is it that his fans had to find out where he was playing via the ESPN fiasco?  I know that he is still only 25 years old, but this was a slap in the face to the whole Cleveland Cavalier’s organization and to all of Cleveland.  Do you think that LeBron made up his mind over the past month?  Most likely this was a done deal by the 2008 Summer Olympics when he played together with Wade and Bosh.  And maybe even before that.  The young man has always been close to home and his mother.  James wanted to spread his wings and play with his “little friends” in Miami.  Not a bad place to want to have fun.  Did James make the right decision?  Personally, I would have gone to Chicago.  But as his momma said, “Go wherever you will be most happy.”  End of story.
            Now we get the latest in “The Big Three”. They claim, “We are the best ‘Big Three’ ever!” What happened to the current Celtic’s with Pierce, Allen and KG; or the Knicks when they had Reed, Debusschere and Frazier; or the Lakers when they had Kareem, Magic and Worthy; or the San Antonio Spurs (who won three championships between 2003 and 2007) with Duncan, Ginobli and Parker; or the early Lakers who had Chamberlain West and Baylor?  Did you notice that all of these guys included a dominant center?  It’s far too premature to say that they are the best trio ever to play the game. 
            So the big question is can LeBron, Wade and Bosh even play together?  Where is the rest of their team?   Will they be able to handle physical teams like Orlando and Boston?  These guys now will have big X’s marked on their backs.  Every team will raise their game and will be gunning for them.  Now they just added fuel to the fire by promising 7 or 8 championships.  How about winning one, first?   I am sure that Bill Russell and Michael Jordan must be quaking in their boots.

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