Thursday, July 22, 2010

Should Michelle Obama Get More Involved?

Barack Obama has been the game changer for Urban people.  He was effective in changing healthcare, continues to advocate for extending unemployment benefits, and is developing plans to increase jobs.  However, his approval ratings have dropped down to 49%.  He still rates very highly in most Urban communities, because we are confident that he has our best interests at heart.  However, the rest of America is not as patient.  That calls the issue into question whether he can continue to protect Urban America during the midterm elections.  Most political pundits are saying that he could be more of a liability than a help.

However, Michelle Obama has an approval rating of 63%.  Should Michelle Obama go out and stump for candidates in marginal communities?  It would probably help them.  But, if she goes out to campaign, her popularity will also fall.  The Democrats need to hang on to a majority if President Obama is going to get any of his programs passed.  The Republicans are in stall mode and purposely won't vote for any of his legislation.  It is not clear whether Michelle Obama is even willing to leave her daughters to advance the Democratic party's cause.  But, President Obama's plans for change cannot happen unless the Democrats retain their control of both houses.  Besides not wanting to leave her daughters, Michelle Obama may be waiting to campaign until President Obama is running for reelection, saving her popularity and political capital for his race.  However, if he is able to accomplish absolutely nothing over the next two years, he won't get reelected no matter what in 2012.  So, Michelle Obama should probably hit the road and help some of the Democrats running for Congress.

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