Monday, August 23, 2010

Urban Book Feature: The Golden Hustla

By Wahida Clark

Click Here for the Latest Price of the Golden Hustla

Product Reviews

"Wahida Clark's debuts novel is an entertaining, graphic, somewhat erotic look at the streets. The book is a drama-filled quick read that will leave you wanting more." (RAWSISTAZ Reviewers on THUGS AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM )

"Victor L. Martin, LaShonda Teague, Bonta, and Shawn "Jihad" Trump are writers to watch, but Clark pulls out all stops in 'Makin' Endz Meet,' introducing Nina, a sassy street girl who tells us, 'Now here I be. Twenty-on years old, three kids, three babies' daddies, and on welfare.' You go, girl.'"
(Library Journal on WHAT'S REALLY HOOD? )

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