Saturday, August 7, 2010

Urban Christian Book Feature: The Amen Sisters

By Angela Benson

Francine Amen feels a deeper guilt than she ever thought possible. She didn’t believe her friend Toni when she shared the secret of her affair with their pastor. Now Toni’s death weighs upon her conscience, and Francie must atone for her mistake.

Dawn Amen-Ray’s marriage is on its last legs, but she is too proud of her position in the church and in the community to get the counseling they so desperately need. When Francie comes to live with them, can Dawn get past her fears to save her marriage and resist the advances of a fellow church member to stay true to her marriage vows?

There’s a cancer in the Church today, a specter if you will; it’s called sexual abuse. There are preachers abusing their positions and their flocks in the name of power and prestige. The Amen Sisters tells the story of sexual sin and the far-reaching consequences of that sin. Peppered with Biblical principles and building upon a foundation of forgiveness, Angela Benson tells the tale of Francine Amen and her sister Dawn Amen-Ray. These two ladies each have their personal demons, and it was heartening to watch them grow right before your eyes as you watch the Amens come to terms with owning up to their actions and making amends for them. Ms. Benson aptly captures both the passion and pain that folks bottle up in their lives, and the importance of dealing with situations as they arise. Kudos to Ms. Benson for dealing with one of the last remaining taboo topics in today’s church in such a straightforward and compassionate manner.


Angela Benson Fiction


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